Lack of support disturbing to school board member

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 29, 1998

By Gerald J. Keller, PhD / L’Observateur / July 29, 1998

DEAR EDITOR: I am rather concerned about the comments expressed recently in the school board election and the “lack of confidence” in the current St. J ohnthe Baptist School Board. There are documented evidences that dispute thecomments expressed by a paid advertisement.

This current school board was given a $1.2 million deficit in January1996. In less than two years, that deficit was totally eliminated. For thepast three years, the St. John Parish School Board has monitored theGeneral Fund budget and each year the school system ended the fiscal year with a surplus. The school board’s fiscal monitoring allowed the schooldistrict to receive the highest national award given any accounting department – the National Association of School Board Officials’ Certificate of Excellence.

In my opinion, this school board has exhibited greater professionalism than any other school board in the history of St. John the Baptist Parish.Meetings are conducted in a businesslike manner and agenda items are usually completed in two hours. This board does not micomanage theschool system and has allowed Superintendent Cleveland Farlough complete control. In a recent editorial, The Times-Picayune praised thiscurrent school board for adopting a resolution that carried agenda items to the next meeting. This resolution allowed school board members toreceive community input beforehand and gather additional information before voting on agenda items.

The computer technology program has been revived and a magnet school was developed for John L. Ory Elementary. Academic programs have beendeveloped and approved by the school board to address reading problems in St. John. An alternative school was created to address suspensions andexpulsions. A welding program and a nursing assistant program have beenadded to the curriculum. A Child Development Center was opened inGaryville. The St. John Special Education Department leads the state andhas been a model program.

All items (electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, maintenance supplies, food service, medical insurance, etc.) are placed in a competitive biddingprocess. Portable trailers were removed from the school board office andthroughout schools in the parish. These procedures reduced program costsand saved the school board dollars.

It is very difficult for me to understand how an individual who has had minimal contacct with the school board can openly condemn the school board. To my knowledge, I have seen this individual attend one schoolboard meeting in three years. He does not serve on any school boardstanding committees. He has never come to the school board office toreview fiscal records and has never offered any suggestions to improve the operation of the school system.

The operation of a school system is a very complicated process. Do wehave problems? Yes! I thank the many individuals and organizations who crossed the line and said, I’ll help! Gerald J. Keller, PhD St. John School Board District 3 Reserve

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