Hepatitis B three-shot series will be required
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 29, 1998
REBECCA BURK ELLIS / L’Observateur / July 29, 1998
RESERVE – Children beginning kindergarten this year may be stuck by nurse’s needles more than those who started last year.
Frances McDonald, the nursing supervisor at the Health Unit on Central Avenue in Reserve, said that in addition to all of the other required booster shots, the Hepatitis B three-shot series is an added requirement this year.
McDonald said many children already have the vaccination that was first given in July, 1992, because the series of shots are normally begun at birth. “But some parents just don’t want their babies to be stuck,” she said.The vaccine is given to protect the children in future years, McDonald said. “There are a lot of Hepatitis B cases being diagnosed among adolescents and young adults,” she said. “They (kindergartners) aren’t at risk now; we are just protecting them for thThe series of three shots take about five to six months. McDonald said that if a child is in the process of getting the shots when school begins, they will still be allowed to attend classes as long as they present the sheet that gives proof that they areOther boosters kinder- (See SHOTS, PAGE 3A) gartners are required to have upon starting school are diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis or DTP; measles, mumps and rubella or MMR; and hemophilus, influenza type B or HIB. HIB also prevents meningitis.Not only does the Health Unit give shots to kindergartners, but they also will update shots, give missed MMRs and the Hepatitis B series to adolescents up to age 13.
“That’s what we are – prevention,” McDonald said. “Public Health is into prevention. Anyone an get immunizations here.”They also offer the chicken pox vaccine and the diphtheria and tetanus or TD booster to adolescents.
The Health Unit offers immunizations without appointments from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. Cost is a mere $5 to those who can afford to pay it whether they get one immunization or four, McDonald said.In addition to having all of the immunization requirements for kindergartners to begin school, there are other things that the St. John the Baptist Parish School System is requiring for children to be registered. Registration is going on now. They will neRegistration is also required for older students who are new to the school system. And students who are withdrawing must also notify administration.To register or withdraw go to the school board annex building on River Road in Reserve. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call 536-1106, extension 244.
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