Board approves Hahnville addition
Published 12:00 am Monday, April 27, 1998
By Michael Kiral / L’Observateur / April 27, 1998
LULING – When students at Hahnville High School report back to classes in August, they will find that their school has gotten a little bit bigger.
The St. Charles Parish School Board accepted the classroom addition atthe school as being substantially complete at its meeting Wednesday night. With the acceptance of the addition, teachers will be allowed to setup their materials and labs during May. Students will move into the newaddition when school reports back in August.
The 46,000-square foot addition will house 25 classrooms and five science labs and will be known as the Science and Social Studies Building.
The cost for the building was approximately $3.36 million from bond issuefunds.
In other business related to construction work at the high school, the board approved a change order at a cost of $14,128 from capital improvement funds to weatherproof the gymnasium roof and install tapered insulation to allow the roof drains to continue working.
Board members accepted the bid of Cox Subscriptions for the purchase of library periodicals at a cost of $23,000 from the general fund. The boardalso approved the bidding to purchase library books at a cost of $73,500 from the general fund. The state had eliminated the awarding of onecontract for the purchase of library books statewide, making it necessary for each school district for obtaining bids and awarding a contract for the fiscal year. St. Charles Parish’s contract with Baker & Taylor expires thisschool year.
In personnel business, the board approved the appointment of Regina Benoit to the position of Public Information Officer for Internal Communication and Rochelle Touchard as the district’s Public Information Officer for External Communications. Benoit and Touchard are replacingSupervisor of Community Relations Leo Babin, who is retiring after this school year.
In other matters, the board joined with the St. Charles Chapter for thePrevention of Abuse and similar organizations around the country in observing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
In his superintendent’s report, Dr. Rodney Lafon announced that asuperintendent’s forum will be held at J.B. Martin Middle School Tuesday.He also said that the district will get with its legislative representatives to fight Sen. John Heinkel’s latest attempt to pass a bill that woulddistribute taxes from nuclear power plants to parishes around the state.
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