St. Charles United Way celebrates success
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 30, 1998
By Leonard Gray / L’Observateur / January 30, 1998
DESTREHAN – It was Carnival-time at Destrehan Manor Thursday when the United Way of St. Charles Parish celebrated the smashing of its 1997campaign goal.
Dwayne Linnartz, dressed as “Mr. Marty Graw,” led the celebratory party ina second-line in and out of the historic plantation while campaign chairwoman Zulma Boroughs announced that $975,369 was achieved withthe help of the campaign committee and many volunteers.
The campaign goal was $900,000.Executive Director George Williamson and 1997-98 President David Boanhosted the event, and certificates were also presented to campaignvolunteers.
The campaign committee included Allen Kirkley, Melanie Andrews, FayCaire, Tom Cendrick, Jerry Desselle, Brandt Dufrene, Clyde “Rock”Gisclair, Herb Thurber, Patrick Yoes, Chuck Dugger, Dudley Webre, HenryFriloux, Mike Brown, Carolyn Boyd, David Silvio, Bernard “Slick” Oubre,Rusty Rebowe, Manina Dubroca, Roger Landry, Rep. Joel Chaisson II andTravis Downs.
Initial plans were also made for the 1998 campaign, including theTransAmerican Hale Boggs Bridge run/walk. The 1997 event raised$33,000 for the cause.
Area donations from businesses and industry employees totaled $870,428.
$45,392 came from the Hale Boggs run and the golf tournament, $7,700came from employees who participate through the combined federalcampaign and $51,849 came from employees outside St. Charles Parishwho designated their contributions to this campaign.
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